Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August Night Hike

We were able to go on our first night hike for the summer last weekend. Its amazing what you can find when you drive slow out in the middle of nowhere. We went south of Saddleback mountain and into Harquahala Valley.
This was the first little friend we found.
With all the rain we have been having the toads were out in force.

This guy we would have missed without the black light. He was almost small enough to fit on my fingernail of my index finger (bottom of picture).

Here is the diamondback again. He was more than 3 feet long. Just getting warm on the street, we did not bother him too much...cause I guess they bite.
Gage caught this gecko that was crossing the road.
Cute Little sidewinder.

Leopard Frog...these are rare. I have seen a bunch in my life, but only caught a few. They are very quick to jump in the water and disappear.

Gage looks worried holding a big desert spiny lizard. He was actually quite brave and did better than I did with my first spiny. The first one I caught bit my finger and stayed locked in my knuckle for about 3 hours.

1 comment:

Karin said...

this is noah,thanks kimball.Brandon liked it.I see you you did this late at night for me.