Tuesday, July 6, 2010

This is Noah. I discovered a carcus of somekind. It's dead but it still clings to the wall.
What is it from? I think it might be a cockroach.


Tiffin said...

Noah, I think that might be a locust shell.

ashley said...

I think tiffin's right Noah...it's a locust

Anonymous said...

I think it's a locust shell to Noah.

Kimbosa said...

Just so everybody knows...its a cicada shell. They live as larva or "nymphs" down in the earth for about 13 years (here in AZ) and come out for one season to lay eggs and buzz really loud all night. Here is a link you might find pretty cool Noah.


Karin said...

kimbal thank you for teaching me that. hey, i cant wait to see the pictures. please post on clark wildlife.