Friday, August 21, 2009

to find and not to find

Bryan was out looking for something, but instead got a picture of this cloud...I love it.
We don't get many clouds like this often.

I wasn't looking for anything and saw this run across the floor and got a picture of it! UGH! The spider has red eye...zoom in on it.

I was too afraid to get closer than 10ft.

I may have to have Bryan crop it so you can see it.

1 comment:

Kimbosa said...

We can't click on the spider picture to see the full image. I found out that when you load a picture in your post and then move it within the post, it somehow disables the ability for others to click on the picture to see it at full size. You can edit the post and erase the picture and then reload the picture and move the text around it. It always frustrated me that some of my pictures that I posted were "un-clickable". I just recently discovered this. Hope it helps.