Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another Box Turtle trying to cross the road

This box turtle almost stepped out into the road in front of me. I had to turn around in the middle of traffic to go back and get him. Cambria and Maya called him Arley again. We have him wandering around in our backyard.

We found a 4 inch grasshopper yesterday. I knocked out the grasshopper and threw it in front of Arley. He devoured the whole thing. Cambria and Maya couldn't believe their eyes.


Mark said...

It's great that you rescued the turtle. The best thing to do in these situations is to take the turtle across the road in the direction it was headed and release it about 30-50 feet from the roadside.

Box turtles are territorial, and removing them from their home ranges can cause them to wander and also can be devastating for local populations, which are in decline almost everywhere. If at all possible, it's best to take the turtle back to where you found it. If the habitat there has been severely damaged or destroyed, please consult with a wildlife rehabber with a knowledge of turtles or some other expert about where and how to release it.

This organization may be able to help too, and the link below provides more info on the challenges in turtle conservation, including efforts to reintroduce them. Good luck.

Karin said...

And this is WHY there are PRIVATE blogs. =)