Thursday, March 26, 2009

Summertime is here

Ok, maybe we have a few weeks of Spring left. Either way, we should be having more desert life emerging and that means pictures.

I am going to throw this out for discussion; should we just post things we take pictures of ourselves, or should we be allowed to post other pictures. Your thoughts...

Happy posting!


Kimbosa said...

I say we keep it to just our pictures.

Britney and Kevin said...

I agree...unless its something amazing/education/non-grotesque/really really awesome.

ashley said...

just our pics. i'm a little sad we're not at our old house, I'm sure I would have a few more ppics of rattlesnakes and who knows what else by now...

Karin said...

Kimball, I love how you are the first to answer your own question!
You are such a funny Man!

Nathan said...

I say we only post our pictures