Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May Campout in Rocky Park, AZ

We went to Rocky Park again this year, which is just south of Flagstaff, AZ. This was the place last year were we found all those AZ Tree Frogs. There were so many last year, the ground was covered with them. This year, there was nothing close. Maybe a few tadpoles. But, as Clarks do, we found some pretty cool stuff. Enjoy...

Gage with his Papa and what looks like a Goiter Oak.

The one frog we found.

Great Plains Skink

Some sort of weird albino cricket.

Jett with his new friend.

Gage holding the Garter Snake

Close up of the Skink

Southwestern Fence Lizard aka Bernard

Giant Diving Beetle larvae, it looked like the bug from Men In Black.

Creepy water spider.