Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Tartesso" Owls

We were out in Tartesso Tuesday night and ran into a few of these great hunters hanging out. I counted at least 6, but heard more off in the distance. I tried to walk out and get a little closer to them but they watched me every step of the way. I got ready to click as they flew away and although the trees were in the way a little, I was impressed with the wingspan and the size of them in flight so close.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2011 Night Hike IV (or something like that)

We went on another infamous night hike the other night and although we did not see too much, we did have a bunch of always.

This guy was crusin down Vulture Mine Road towards Wickenburg. We found this Mohave rattlesnake and it is VERY important to realize that rattlesnakes can sense your heat signiture. Which means if you get too close, they will bite you even if you have a very bright light in their eyes. DON'T EVER PUT YOUR HAND TOO CLOSE!!! this.
...or just an example of what NOT to do. They DO love to have their chins tickled. Oops. Camera angle gave away our secret.

This Desert Hairy Scorpion is like something out of a 1980 science fiction film.And the biggest find of the night, Roger Rabbit's creepy Sanoran Desert cousin, Jerry the Creepy Jackrabbit. YIKES!! And just to clear the air, my zipper is not down.