Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cousins Night Trip July 08

Jordan found rare snakes on our night trip.
Brandon caught this spinny
when it ran out of running room at the top of this plant.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Spike I, Thorny, and Horny

In honor of the "horny toad gang". They lived for awhile, we were surprised.
Spike I, the biggest one, lived for over a year before going to the big ant hill in the sky.

Not a creature was stirring

not even a mouse. Here is the fat mouse (not rat) Jay trapped back in his shop this week (thankfully not the house). Thanks to Kimball for starting this blog because our wildlife encounters definitely need a whole other blog. I have a huge file of pictures from the past two years that I can't wait to share. Stay posted for a picture of RATTLESNAKE #5 we found off the side of our road last Sunday...